Workshops & Retreats
Workshop: The Power of
Rewriting Your Story

In this workshop we will:
Examine the role of story in your life
Identify limiting stories that hold you back
See yourself & your story from a new perspective.
Start the process of rewriting your story
Find compassion & non-judgment for the hero of your story.
Sign up for the Seeds of Change Life Coaching Newsletter to learn when and where workshops and retreats are being held.
"It was an amazing safe space and I felt like I got uplifted. It was a friendly environment and Kim did a great job." --NK
"I found working with Kim to be super helpful. She is very thoughtful and really helped me dig deep and address negative stories that were keeping me stuck. Her support and insights have been invaluable. I highly recommend working with Kim!" --CT
"The workshop was all I expected and more! It was helpful to have more concrete examples."
Coming soon...
I am in the process of organizing a weekend retreat...Check back soon!